Tractor Dekho is a new venture that helps users buy and sell old tractors of all brands that are right for them. Its website & mobile carries a rich user interface and content related to tractors such as expert reviews, detailed specs and prices, comparisons as well as videos and pictures of all brands and models available in India. The company has tie-ups with many Tractor manufacturers, more than 10+ tractor dealers and numerous financial institutions to facilitate the purchase of used has launched many innovative features to ensure that users get an immersive experience of the car model before visiting the seller or a dealer showroom. Buyers will also get 360-degree exterior views, specifications, features with videos; search and comparison by make, model, price, features; and live offers and promotions in all cities. The platform also has used tractor classifieds wherein users can upload their tractors for sale, and find used tractors for buying from individuals and used tractor dealers.